Move from thinking to feeling. From guessing to knowing. From surviving to thriving in brotherhood.


A 4 day experience with like minded men at the shore in Portugal where we tap into your potential that you can feel in your bones, but you haven't found a way to express or experience it. An experience that will invite you into your peace and power & from there into your purpose.
What makes it good shit.
Full Potential
No more guessing what you think you’re able to do in peace and in power. First experience, then explanation. Find out through your own experience so you can speak from confidence. You will meet resistance & you will meet surrender. Now you know how you react.
Direction in Life
If you have power, but no peace. You’re a man with physical strength & resources but no peace of mind. If you have peace, but no power, you’re a visionary that is stuck in philosophy. If you have both & know who you are, you can live with direction and purpose. The more you know who you are, the more purpose.
Private Land
There’s no place like this. A rugged terrain that used to be a chicken farm. Inviting you really to go back to the basics, back to your core and primal instincts. No fancy heated toilets or rain showers. But everything you need to tap into your wild man. One that is forgotten in society.
Nature Interconnectedness
Nature is a part of who we are and what we become. During our retreat, we invite you to reconnect with the natural world, be mindful of your impact on it, and take responsibility for it.
Let nature be your guide as you explore the depths of your inner self. Embrace the power of the outdoors and awaken your senses to the wonders of the natural world.
Open yourself up to the possibilities of nature as your teacher and companion, let it lead you on a journey of discovery.
1 on 1 opportunities
Take the time to connect with yourself and your peers on a deeper level with one-on-one opportunities.
Here, you can check-in with one of the facilitators or other participants and gain a better understanding of what is still present for you, and what needs individual attention.
Receive the support you need to truly explore the depths of your inner self, and take the time to connect with your true self and the people around you.Ritual Combat
Ritual combat is a powerful experience for men, allowing them to explore physical boundaries and push themselves to take risks they may never have taken before.
It can lead to greater appreciation of personal strengths, increased self-confidence, and an understanding of the power of emotions.
Additionally, it can be cathartic, allowing men to release inner emotions in a constructive manner.
This can also help create stronger relationships with others, as it encourages men to trust and support each other.Sound & Ceremony
We can use sound to clear energy, reset our vibration, and open up to the higher vibrations of the universe.
Through ceremonial practices, we can create a sacred space in which we can explore our innermost thoughts and feelings, allowing us to reach a deeper level of understanding and connection with our true selves.Ceremonies can be used to honour our ancestors, to express gratitude, and to offer respect to our environment.
As we come together in ceremony, we can open up to the energy that is created, and use it to open our hearts and minds to the potential of our inner selves.Celebration
The most important part is that we celebrate being alive, that we have fun together and explore that field of compliments and encouraging each other to celebrate steps.
We will bring brotherhood into practice through the experience of celebration & fun.Team Building
Just as much as we learn to explore oneself and through that the connection with other.
We will spend time to understanding the beauty of interdependency between each other.
You will be put to a challenge as a group, where there is no other way of working together. Where there is no room for just 1, but all.
Full Potential
No more guessing what you think you’re able to do in peace and in power. First experience, then explanation. Find out through your own experience so you can speak from confidence. You will meet resistance & you will meet surrender. Now you know how you react.
Direction in Life
If you have power, but no peace. You’re a man with physical strength & resources but no peace of mind. If you have peace, but no power, you’re a visionary that is stuck in philosophy. If you have both & know who you are, you can live with direction and purpose. The more you know who you are, the more purpose.
Private Land
There’s no place like this. A rugged terrain that used to be a chicken farm. Inviting you really to go back to the basics, back to your core and primal instincts. No fancy heated toilets or rain showers. But everything you need to tap into your wild man. One that is forgotten in society.
Nature Interconnectedness
Nature is a part of who we are and what we become. During our retreat, we invite you to reconnect with the natural world, be mindful of your impact on it, and take responsibility for it.
Let nature be your guide as you explore the depths of your inner self. Embrace the power of the outdoors and awaken your senses to the wonders of the natural world.
Open yourself up to the possibilities of nature as your teacher and companion, let it lead you on a journey of discovery.
1 on 1 opportunities
Take the time to connect with yourself and your peers on a deeper level with one-on-one opportunities.
Here, you can check-in with one of the facilitators or other participants and gain a better understanding of what is still present for you, and what needs individual attention.
Receive the support you need to truly explore the depths of your inner self, and take the time to connect with your true self and the people around you.Ritual Combat
Ritual combat is a powerful experience for men, allowing them to explore physical boundaries and push themselves to take risks they may never have taken before.
It can lead to greater appreciation of personal strengths, increased self-confidence, and an understanding of the power of emotions.
Additionally, it can be cathartic, allowing men to release inner emotions in a constructive manner.
This can also help create stronger relationships with others, as it encourages men to trust and support each other.Sound & Ceremony
We can use sound to clear energy, reset our vibration, and open up to the higher vibrations of the universe.
Through ceremonial practices, we can create a sacred space in which we can explore our innermost thoughts and feelings, allowing us to reach a deeper level of understanding and connection with our true selves.Ceremonies can be used to honour our ancestors, to express gratitude, and to offer respect to our environment.
As we come together in ceremony, we can open up to the energy that is created, and use it to open our hearts and minds to the potential of our inner selves.Celebration
The most important part is that we celebrate being alive, that we have fun together and explore that field of compliments and encouraging each other to celebrate steps.
We will bring brotherhood into practice through the experience of celebration & fun.Team Building
Just as much as we learn to explore oneself and through that the connection with other.
We will spend time to understanding the beauty of interdependency between each other.
You will be put to a challenge as a group, where there is no other way of working together. Where there is no room for just 1, but all.
Full Potential
No more guessing what you think you’re able to do in peace and in power. First experience, then explanation. Find out through your own experience so you can speak from confidence. You will meet resistance & you will meet surrender. Now you know how you react.
Direction in Life
If you have power, but no peace. You’re a man with physical strength & resources but no peace of mind. If you have peace, but no power, you’re a visionary that is stuck in philosophy. If you have both & know who you are, you can live with direction and purpose. The more you know who you are, the more purpose.
Private Land
There’s no place like this. A rugged terrain that used to be a chicken farm. Inviting you really to go back to the basics, back to your core and primal instincts. No fancy heated toilets or rain showers. But everything you need to tap into your wild man. One that is forgotten in society.
Nature Interconnectedness
Nature is a part of who we are and what we become. During our retreat, we invite you to reconnect with the natural world, be mindful of your impact on it, and take responsibility for it.
Let nature be your guide as you explore the depths of your inner self. Embrace the power of the outdoors and awaken your senses to the wonders of the natural world.
Open yourself up to the possibilities of nature as your teacher and companion, let it lead you on a journey of discovery.
1 on 1 opportunities
Take the time to connect with yourself and your peers on a deeper level with one-on-one opportunities.
Here, you can check-in with one of the facilitators or other participants and gain a better understanding of what is still present for you, and what needs individual attention.
Receive the support you need to truly explore the depths of your inner self, and take the time to connect with your true self and the people around you.Ritual Combat
Ritual combat is a powerful experience for men, allowing them to explore physical boundaries and push themselves to take risks they may never have taken before.
It can lead to greater appreciation of personal strengths, increased self-confidence, and an understanding of the power of emotions.
Additionally, it can be cathartic, allowing men to release inner emotions in a constructive manner.
This can also help create stronger relationships with others, as it encourages men to trust and support each other.Sound & Ceremony
We can use sound to clear energy, reset our vibration, and open up to the higher vibrations of the universe.
Through ceremonial practices, we can create a sacred space in which we can explore our innermost thoughts and feelings, allowing us to reach a deeper level of understanding and connection with our true selves.Ceremonies can be used to honour our ancestors, to express gratitude, and to offer respect to our environment.
As we come together in ceremony, we can open up to the energy that is created, and use it to open our hearts and minds to the potential of our inner selves.Celebration
The most important part is that we celebrate being alive, that we have fun together and explore that field of compliments and encouraging each other to celebrate steps.
We will bring brotherhood into practice through the experience of celebration & fun.Team Building
Just as much as we learn to explore oneself and through that the connection with other.
We will spend time to understanding the beauty of interdependency between each other.
You will be put to a challenge as a group, where there is no other way of working together. Where there is no room for just 1, but all.
People think too much, know too little.
Today's society is a 'mind society'. Knowing all the theories & read all the books, but lack the experience. Feeling all kinds of emotions on the inside, from joy to anger, but not being able to express it.
We believe that confidence in a man grows when they actually have to do things. That the confidence is gained in experiencing.
Less talking, more doing.
Less thinking, more feeling.
Less guessing, more knowing.
More potential, more purpose.
More direction, better men.
Better men, better world.
We walk you through this journey, to tap into that potential that you feel inside. A place where it's fully safe to be & to discover & experiment. We use 4 pillars at Inner Alchemy.
Peace: Mental & Emotional peace, being at peace in oneself.
Power: The physical & Material capacity to manifest in this world.
Purpose: Having a sense of direction & clarity how you can serve.
Play: To be able to look at life with a bright light and a sense of humor.
If you have power, but no peace, you'll be forever chasing happiness & distracting yourself from what goes on in the body & mind.
If you have peace but no power, you'll be a visionary who wants to build & protect, but lacks the physical capabilities & resources on the ground to make things work. If you have these 3, the quest for purpose follows automatically, now you can give back of who you have become.
These 4 days will be little theory, we dive in full experiences, then we talk after. It will be hosted in a rugged terrain full of old buildings and ruins that will awaken and invite the wild man within to come out. You will be sleeping in tents & shitting outside.
We'll be exploring the toughness like a warrior and connect to the subtleties of life like a zen master or a monk. We'll become the King in our Kingdom for purpose and the drunken master for play.One full day where you will test your power & drive by meeting resistance. One day with we invite you into peace, only then you are really free. One dedicated to play & celebration, as we as men forget to stand still sometimes.
The beauty of it? With the boys, diving in, challenging each other, inviting each other, laughing, crying, shouting, taking care of each other, sharing food. Making it for sure an experience that you will consider as good shit.
People think too much,
know too little.
Today's society of men lives in a state of mind as "I think I can/not". The problem with this is, we don't know. The only way of knowing is to submerge oneself into an experience.
Men often feel the potential of who they can be in their greatness. But there's 3 important factors that should be in balance in order to get tap into that full potential.
Peace: Mental & Emotional rest,
Being at rest in oneself.
Power: The physical & Material capacity to manifest in this world.
Purpose: Having a sense of direction & clarity how you can serve.
If you have power, but no peace, forever chasing happiness & distracting himself from the shitty mind & thoughts that he carries.
If you have peace but no power, you'll be a 'skinny yogi with no resources' on the ground to make things work. If you have these 3, the quest for purpose follows automatically, now you can give back of who you have become.
These 4 days will be little theory, we dive in full experiences, then we talk after. It will be hosted in a rugged terrain full of old buildings and ruins that will awaken and invite the wild man within to come out. You will be sleeping in tents & shitting outside.
We'll be exploring the toughness like a warrior and connect to the subtleties of life like a zen master or a monk. One full day where you will test your power & drive by meeting resistance. One day with we invite you into peace, only then you are really free. One dedicated to play & celebration, as we as men forget to stand still sometimes.
The beauty of it? With the boys, diving in, challenging each other, inviting each other, laughing, crying, shouting, taking care of each other, sharing food. Making it for sure an experience that you will consider as good shit.
Inner Alchemy Retreat
See overview for more info & ticket.
Event Overview
Event Overview
Thursday, June 12th.
Sunday, June 15th.
Kaya Grounds,
Azenhas do Mar, Portugal
Investment Regular Ticket:
€950,- incl. VAT
(Payment plan available here.)
Inner Alchemy Retreat
See overview for more info & ticket.
Event Overview
Event Overview
Thursday, June 12th.
Sunday, June 15th.
Kaya Grounds,
Azenhas do Mar, Portugal
Investment Regular Ticket:
€950,- incl. VAT
(Payment plan available here.)
Inner Alchemy Retreat
See overview for more info & ticket.
Event Overview
Event Overview
Thursday, June 12th.
Sunday, June 15th.
Kaya Grounds,
Azenhas do Mar, Portugal
Investment Regular Ticket:
€950,- incl. VAT
(Payment plan available here.)

Meet The Team
Meet The Team
Meet The Team

Oscar Alonso Delgado
Lead Faciltator
About Oscar

Arun Thompson
Lead facilitator
About Arun

Anton Nootenboom
Lead facilitator
About Anton

Thijs Haselhoff
Host & Facilitator
About Thijs

Aydin Shahidi
Lead Chef
About Aydin
Get in touch
Maybe you're not yet ready for joining a live event?
All good, we've got you covered, start off easily by joining our whatsapp group, to slowly dip your toes in the water and get a feel for the group.
Inside you'll find a whole community of men ready to connect, share and grow together.

Get in touch
Maybe you're not yet ready for joining a live event?
All good, we've got you covered, start off easily by joining our whatsapp group, to slowly dip your toes in the water and get a feel for the group.
Inside you'll find a whole community of men ready to connect, share and grow together.

Get in touch
Maybe you're not yet ready for joining a live event?
All good, we've got you covered, start off easily by joining our whatsapp group, to slowly dip your toes in the water and get a feel for the group.
Inside you'll find a whole community of men ready to connect, share and grow together.

Get in touch
Maybe you're not yet ready for joining a live event?
All good, we've got you covered, start off easily by joining our whatsapp group, to slowly dip your toes in the water and get a feel for the group.
Inside you'll find a whole community of men ready to connect, share and grow together.

Get in touch
Maybe you're not yet ready for joining a live event?
All good, we've got you covered, start off easily by joining our whatsapp group, to slowly dip your toes in the water and get a feel for the group.
Inside you'll find a whole community of men ready to connect, share and grow together.

Frequently Asked Questions
If there’s any questions left unanswered or you wish to reach out you can do that by reaching out through here.
What are the refund policies?
Cancellations made 60 days or more before the event date will receive a full refund.
– Cancellations made between 59 and 30 before the event date will receive a 60% refund. Cancellations made less than 29 before the event date are non-refundable, another option can be deposit 40% is non-refundable & the rest 60% if moved to another event. If the costs of that event are higher, you pay the higher amount.
All cancellation requests must be submitted in writing to hellothere@thegatheringofmen.earth
When should I arrive?
Recommended is to arrive the day before, to settle in & leave a day later than the ending of the event. So, leave on Monday.
How to get to location?
The majority of the times after having created the Whatsapp group, a shared Uber ride is booked. It is 34min away from Lisbon.
What should I bring?
Not much, there’s no need to check in extra baggage. Please note that way before time you will get an email and provided a packing list that can easily fit as a cabin luggage. Don’t worry.

Frequently Asked Questions
If there’s any questions left unanswered or you wish to reach out you can do that by reaching out through here.
What are the refund policies?
Cancellations made 60 days or more before the event date will receive a full refund.
– Cancellations made between 59 and 30 before the event date will receive a 60% refund. Cancellations made less than 29 before the event date are non-refundable, another option can be deposit 40% is non-refundable & the rest 60% if moved to another event. If the costs of that event are higher, you pay the higher amount.
All cancellation requests must be submitted in writing to hellothere@thegatheringofmen.earth
When should I arrive?
Recommended is to arrive the day before, to settle in & leave a day later than the ending of the event. So, leave on Monday.
How to get to location?
The majority of the times after having created the Whatsapp group, a shared Uber ride is booked. It is 34min away from Lisbon.
What should I bring?
Not much, there’s no need to check in extra baggage. Please note that way before time you will get an email and provided a packing list that can easily fit as a cabin luggage. Don’t worry.

Frequently Asked Questions
If there’s any questions left unanswered or you wish to reach out you can do that by reaching out through here.
What are the refund policies?
Cancellations made 60 days or more before the event date will receive a full refund.
– Cancellations made between 59 and 30 before the event date will receive a 60% refund. Cancellations made less than 29 before the event date are non-refundable, another option can be deposit 40% is non-refundable & the rest 60% if moved to another event. If the costs of that event are higher, you pay the higher amount.
All cancellation requests must be submitted in writing to hellothere@thegatheringofmen.earth
When should I arrive?
Recommended is to arrive the day before, to settle in & leave a day later than the ending of the event. So, leave on Monday.
How to get to location?
The majority of the times after having created the Whatsapp group, a shared Uber ride is booked. It is 34min away from Lisbon.
What should I bring?
Not much, there’s no need to check in extra baggage. Please note that way before time you will get an email and provided a packing list that can easily fit as a cabin luggage. Don’t worry.
If there’s any questions left unanswered or you wish to reach out you can do that by reaching out through here.

Frequently Asked Questions
What are the refund policies?
Cancellations made 60 days or more before the event date will receive a full refund.
– Cancellations made between 59 and 30 before the event date will receive a 60% refund. Cancellations made less than 29 before the event date are non-refundable, another option can be deposit 40% is non-refundable & the rest 60% if moved to another event. If the costs of that event are higher, you pay the higher amount.
All cancellation requests must be submitted in writing to hellothere@thegatheringofmen.earth
What do I have to bring?
Not much, there’s no need to check in extra baggage. Please note that way before time you will get an email and provided a packing list that can easily fit as a cabin luggage. Don’t worry.
What can I expect at camp?
This terrain is rugged. Far from what you expect from a ‘stereotype’ retreat. We go back into the elements, back to the basics. Surrounded by ruins, sleeping in tents, comfy tents, a natural toilet, showering in ruins. It will be an experience not to forget and much more cozy and welcoming than you may think.
Besides that there’s a proper kitchen place, where you can always get coffee, drinks and fruits.
There are designated areas for fire, ritual combat, eating, sleeping, showering, toilets.

Frequently Asked Questions
If there’s any questions left unanswered or you wish to reach out you can do that by reaching out through here.
What are the refund policies?
Cancellations made 60 days or more before the event date will receive a full refund.
– Cancellations made between 59 and 30 before the event date will receive a 60% refund. Cancellations made less than 29 before the event date are non-refundable, another option can be deposit 40% is non-refundable & the rest 60% if moved to another event. If the costs of that event are higher, you pay the higher amount.
All cancellation requests must be submitted in writing to hellothere@thegatheringofmen.earth
When should I arrive?
Recommended is to arrive the day before, to settle in & leave a day later than the ending of the event. So, leave on Monday.
How to get to location?
The majority of the times after having created the Whatsapp group, a shared Uber ride is booked. It is 34min away from Lisbon.
What should I bring?
Not much, there’s no need to check in extra baggage. Please note that way before time you will get an email and provided a packing list that can easily fit as a cabin luggage. Don’t worry.